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The Introduction of Woven Fabric Design Competition

Mediterranean Textile and Raw Material Exporters Association (ATHİB) visited our institution on the 25th of April, Wednesday 2018, as a parf their introductory tour for The Woven Fabric Competition. The introduction was carried out within The Department of Fashion and Textile Design. Our students had the chance to examine both the original weavings and the industrially produced swatches of last year’s finalists. With the help of this introduction, potential candidates of the competition once more realized the crucial position of the textile industry in Turkey. They also noted the importance of fabric design competitions and the opportunities they present to emerging designers. We hereby wish to thank to ATHİB and the members who are in charge of organising this intoductory tour for their enlightening presentation supported by visuals and videos, in which the purpose and scope of the competition, terms of application and the process followed throughout the competition were explained in detail.

