Course Language:
Course Objectives:
- To give information about lithography, which is an original printing technique, and to have it applied.
- To raise awareness of the easier accessibility of artistic production to more masses with original reproductions.
Course Content:
-Technical possibilities of lithography, which is one of the original printing techniques; black-white / color balance, light-dark, composition, etc. The workshop applications, which include stone printing, create an experience area for the student, introduce them and apply them with the unique materials of stone printing (limestone, oil pen and paints).
-The abstract-concrete pictorial and graphic works created on the surface with a special limestone are transferred to a limited number of papers.
Course Methodology:
1: Lesson 3: Special Support / Structural Examples 4: Interpretation / Discussion 7: Group Work 14: Exhibition 15: Project
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Homework C: Practice D: Presentation
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